The Waking
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I cannot go.
We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.
Light takes the Tree, but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me; so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.
This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.
--Theodore Roethke
Joy's Updates - Straight from the Horse's Mouth.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Little Stolen Penguin
Some of the news reports say March of the Penguins influenced that horrible person to steal that baby penguin from the Isle of Wight zoo. I can understand how the documentary would create more interest in them, but knowing what the parents go through to feed the baby penguins and how dependent they are would keep someone from taking one, I'd think. On NBC news tonight they said the zoo people said they would increase security and install cameras in their area.
I watched the special features on the DVD today and am so impressed with those Emperor penguins.
10:28:00 PM
I'm Back!
What a wonderful Christmas I had spending time with family and enjoying it all! We have all these wonderful little grandchildren in the family now which makes it even better. Ally (20 months) was here Thanksgiving since Amy and Chris alternate years with those holidays, but Carter (16 months) and Brendan (32 months) were at Mother's for Christmas. I just decided to do that month thing since it was easier than typing more, so of course this explanation is longer than that would have been. I'm a mystery. I'll round off the ages of the Sivlings - Kelsey is 12, Kari 10, and Luke 7. They're growing up so fast! The globe was a big hit, thank goodness! It really is cool.
We watched some of the kids' new movies when I visited Kathy. I've started taking some when I visit, too. Last year I took Spellbound, a documentary about the National Spelling Bee. Kelsey is always in their spelling bees, and I've judged them, so we all enjoyed watching the contestants and their families to see how they prepared and what their lives were like. This year I took March of the Penguins and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Kathy requested that since she hadn't seen it in a long time. The girls were too literal at first, asked questions with the answers "because it's funnier that way," and then got into it really well. I told them they need to learn to appreciate British humor for when I find that Englishman of my very own.
We all decided that if we were animals, we never want to be an Emperor penguin, especially in the Antarctic. Their lives suck big time! The males go 4 months without eating and the females 3 from the time they march many miles to the breeding area where the ice is thicker and away from seals until the egg hatches. After the mother lays the egg, she transfers it to the father's feet where he protects it from harsh conditions in 75 - 128 below zero while she weakly travels around 70 miles back to the sea to feed on fish while surviving leopard seal attacks. If the egg isn't transferred successfully and quickly, it freezes in seconds. When the baby penguin hatches, it has to stay there protected by the father's feet and abdomen or it will freeze to death. Upon the mother's return, she regurgitates to feed the little penguin, and the father treks to the sea to feed himself. They continue to take turns until it's time to go back where they were before this journey. They have the hardest lives! The documentary is filmed beautifully. One of the special features shows how the penguins aren't afraid of humans and let them walk around right with them. The director said they couldn't stay out there more than 3 hours before they had to return to base camp. I don't know how they stood it there for a year and hope they get an Oscar to go along with all the other awards this film has received. Morgan Freeman was a wonderful narrator and added to the film. See it if you get a chance.
Some of my presents were a warm, fuzzy robe, Teacher Man by Frank McCourt, some Pampered Chef things I'm excited about, Eddie Izzard DVDs (love his mind), and this wonderful scrapbook calendar from Kathy. I asked her to make me some kind of scrapbook that showed what happened during the year, and she made that for me. I can put the pages in an album she also gave me. I'd been sort of interested in learning how to do this and went to Scrapbook Heaven where Kathy's sister-in-law Vicki and her best friend Terry were there working on theirs. (the crack house, as they call it) They teach classes there and are really good at it. Terry advised me about what to buy for my initial investment, so now I'm going to have another addictive hobby. That's OK. It could be much worse.
I called Tina while I was driving home (also Earl) and found out she is into scrapbooking big time, so I stopped by her house on my way home to show her my stuff and to see some of her albums. She's right in there with Terry and Vicki. Now I'll have guidance and someone to teach me what to do. We're already planning trips to Franklin, Clarksville, and Michael's. What is so good is to have time now for my hobbies.
How was your Christmas? What did you do? Tell me things!
11:22:00 AM
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Happy Ho Ho
Hope all of you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Cool Kwanzaa, Swinging Solstice, enjoyable vacation, or whatever you celebrate this time of year. Enjoy your Holiday Tree, Holiday Mennorah, and Holiday Candles. Now that all the PC BS is out of the way, let’s celebrate our traditions!
We’re all going to Mother’s today and will open presents tonight. Brian, Melissa, Brendan, and I are spending the night, and everyone will gather back there for our traditional country ham breakfast Christmas morning. I usually go to Kathy’s after Christmas but will probably drive down Christmas Day this time and stay a few days. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and enjoying our own traditions. See you again next week!
10:32:00 AM
Friday, December 23, 2005
Book Lover's Quiz
Answers are in the Squawkbox comment.
1. Children's - What Sandra Boynton book is fittingly subtitled Pigorian Chant from Snouto Domoinko de Silo? [this is hilarious - I bought it for Brendan's parents] 2. Classics - What novel by Bernard Malamud reveals the fate of Yabov Bok, a Jewish handyman accused of murdering a Christian boy to obtain his blood? 3. Non-Fiction - What prominent 20th-century Republican is one of the nine World War II airmen celebrated in Flyboys? 4. Book Club - Whose novel A Patchwork Planet introduced "Rent-a-Back," a service that sends employees to do heavy lifting for the elderly? 5. Authors - What New York novelist is credited with spiking up sales of Manolo Blahnik shoes? 6. Book Bag - What former Scottish pickle-packer penned a flowery saga about a Victorian prostitute, called The Crimson Petal and the White?
I don't know but two of these.
10:05:00 AM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Reality Shows and Other Fiction
Well, we weren't that surprised that Dawna became Martha's apprentice. I think she'll fit in there really well. Bethenny is too high-maintenance, intense, and clueless about people. Now, let's discuss Alex, who was trying to explain something to her mother and asked if she were listening to her or playing with her iPod. Did you notice that? Either they are close enough to have that exchange (Brian and I do that sometimes), too many things were going on, or something. I did read that Alexis fainted when the verdict was read and that she visited her mother regularly in prison. She doesn't seem to have much personality, and until she mentioned her radio show on Sirius, she hadn't said more than one sentence at most. Interesting anyway.
Now on to Project Runway. What a shocker to Santino that he was almost gone! Those were some ugly pieces he designed. He has had those pleaty ruffly bits on most of his designs so far. They criticized Daniel F.'s designs as being too similar, but all of the other designers' lines were, too, so I don't get that as a reason for him to go. I liked him. This was a difficult way to eliminate someone, and as Heidi said, there's too much emphasis on the team leader. I thought some of them got a free ride who aren't as good as Daniel F. I agreed that Daniel V's line was the best and that Santino's the worst, as well as the order of the other two. Check them out here.
I didn't expect Santino to cry and melt down. What a divo! At least Andrae held it together and didn't get on my nerves this week. It's still too soon to tell about some of them. I can't tell what I think about Guadalupe. She's sort of weird but maybe just quirky. I think I like Zulema, Chloe, Daniel V, Heidi, and Marla, but it's too soon to tell about the quiet ones. I look forward to it and am glad it's back. You can catch up on the episodes on Bravo because they run them fairly often if you want to check it out. I'm glad to have people to talk to about it. What did you think?
10:04:00 AM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I meant to mention the death of John Spencer and how much he will be missed on West Wing. His character shared the ticket with Jimmy Smits's character for who I hope will be the next president, replacing Martin Sheen's Jeb Bartlett who is my idea of a real president. Alan Alda makes his character a likeable Republican reminiscent of decades ago. I enjoyed John Spencer's performance on LA Law and especially on West Wing where his Leo McGarry was the anchor of the administration. I was looking forward to his continuing on the show, which hasn't been the same since Aaron Sorkin quit writing for it. I'm sticking with it until the end though.
Also missed are Richard Pryor, who was a comic genius, and William Proxmire and Eugene McCarthy who were politicans worth admiring.
6:24:00 PM
Blog Question
I thought there was a place on the settings where we could decide if links would be accessed in the same window or another one. I can't find it and would like to change mine. I thought when I first set up my blog, that I had to decide that. Anyone know where it is on Blogger?
Also there's the case of that useless comment thingy that goes nowhere. I have checked the template (obsessively) and can't figure out how to get rid of it. It's the second one on the line below Squawkbox that says "Comments." I had to reinstall the Haloscan comments because they didn't show up. Also had to reinstall the Moon Phases and Guest Map. But I digress ....
11:00:00 AM
Monday, December 19, 2005
New Look for 1000th Post
Thanks to the guidance and expertise of Scaryduck Llewellyn-Bowen, my blog has been redecorated to this more subdued version of its former self. What do you think of the changes?
10:21:00 PM
'Tis the Season
Gifts. Shopping. Rushing. Food. Family. Juggling time and location. Yes, it's the Christmas season again! In our family we've gone from everyone's giving gifts to everyone else to drawing names to now giving gifts to the little ones and our immediate family members. This has simplified that part of it, and we now open gifts on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas morning because Brian's generation has other places to go. We still have the big country ham breakfast Christmas morning, and some of us stick around and others go to other family member's homes. Things change with the difference in family dynamics. I miss what used to be, enjoy what is, and wonder about future celebrations now that I'm in the grandmother category.
According to this article, gift cards are cop-outs. I can see their point, but I've given them for people who are hard to buy for and for those I know like a certain place or have a hobby I don't understand. Is it a disappointment to receive a gift card? Does it keep people from learning to give and accept gifts graciously? It is an easy way out but depends on the people involved. I like getting gift cards, especially when they are for a place I like to shop or for some service that I do anyway (like for my massage therapist and movies). Gifts are given to show someone we like, appreciate, and care about someone and reflect our thoughtfulness in recognizing who they are and what warms their hearts and makes them smile (or laugh).
What do you think?
1:55:00 PM
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - What character has been played by Harrison Ford, Alec Baldwin, and Ben Affleck? 2. TV - What was John Cage's nickname on Ally McBeal? 3. MUSIC - What Rick James classic did MC Hammer sample for "Can't Touch This"? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - Whose shoulder did Jana Novotna cry on after losing the Steffi Graf in the 1993 Wimbledon finals? 5. BUZZ - What political party was Howard Stern the New York gubernatorial candidate for? [why is that the adjective instead of governorial?] 6. FAD - What's the term for the pale-skinned, black-garbed Marilyn Manson look?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What object from the Seinfeld television series is hung on the wall of Jerry Seinfeld's real New York apartment? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - Which part of the female body was considered obscene by the ancient Chinese? 9. History - Which great Greek philosopher's work survived primarily in the form of lecture notes to his pupils? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What is the common name for what inventor Sir Isaac Pitman termed "phonography"? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What game would your English opponent say you were playing if you were in a checkers tournament ? 12. WILD CARD - Where did kilts originate?
I don't know many of these.
5:55:00 PM
I thought Randal might win from the beginning so wasn't surprised that he did. It was surprising that he didn't want Rebecca included in being hired when asked by the Donald, though. I guess he didn't want to be the first to share the winning position. As Trump said, nothing they say has anything to do with what goes on in the board room. What did you think about it?
5:47:00 PM
Christmas Shopping and Other Pleasures
Yesterday Mother and I went shopping and finished what we needed to do. Now I need to wrap. We had lunch at the Front Porch and had salmon with dill butter, potato pancakes, and a salad. Then I had an appointment with Jim. So another full day of activity along with today which rounds out a busy week. I've enjoyed it and gotten a lot done. Wednesday I went to Clarksville with Rachel to get her car serviced and then shopping. We got lots done and then had dinner at the Olive Garden. I ate too much and was miserable. The portions there are large, and the Chicken Marsala was too good.
I went to Creekwood this morning to see some of the teachers. It's my first visit there since I retired, and it was fine since it was a half-day right before the winter two-week break. It felt very familiar there, but I don't miss it. I did really enjoy seeing some of the teachers and catching up with them. Tina and I went to lunch at the Hickerson Hotel afterwards and checked out the 50%-off sale. I got myself a little hanging sign that says, "Hard work has a future pay off, but laziness pays off now." It sums up my retirement attitude.
I went by Mother's and visited a little while and then went by where Jill works and talked with her quite a while. I know all this is really fascinating.
1:25:00 AM
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Project Runway
Tonight they designed a dress for teenage Barbie. They made a dress for their models and a little replica for the Barbie dolls they had. It was fun to watch and see what they imagined. Santino is definitely not a good loser. He was first the first week, second place last week (Chloe won), and in second place again this week. Nick won with a colorful, flippy outfit - definitely the best one. Santino was in disbelief, which I sort of enjoyed since he was so bitchy last week when Chloe won and ungracious this week. Andrae didn't cry this week, thank goodness, but still got too emotional about his model's not wearing the wig. I'm not sure I can take him much longer, and judging from their expressions, I'm not sure the judges can either. I agreed about the winner and loser. It's going to be rough for Marla, I think, but she's hanging in there. Raymundo went home this week. Auf weidersehen.
9:58:00 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Active Life
Today was quite busy. The retired teacher's luncheon was at King's Court, so I got to visit with friends and be social. Then I had a bunch of errands to run and accomplished quite a bit. Linda came down for an appointment with Jim, so I met her afterwards for dinner at Applebees. Salmon, steamed vegetables, rice pilaf all made me feel virtuous. We sat around and talked and caught up which was fun. I made it to the school board meeting where they discussed our insurance options. We retired teachers never know what's going on since no one thinks to let us know or let's us vote on anything. I was the token retired teacher and felt like an activist.
When I got home, a gift bag was hanging on my door with framed photographs inside of Butch and Janelle's family and one of Ally and Carter together. How sweet and thoughtful! I'm still smiling.
7:55:00 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Just As I Thought!
When I wear my Disney t-shirt, Brendan points out the characters on it. Because I told him so, he says, "Grammy is a little bit goofy." Turns out to be true, only not such a little bit! Sleeping Beauty next, huh? I can see that, too. I have a 63% chance of Prince Charming kissing me and waking me up, I suppose. Or am I just being Goofy?
 | You scored as Goofy. Your alter ego is Goofy! You are fun and great to be around, and you are always willing to help others. You aren't worried about embarrassing yourself, so you are one who is more willing to try new things.
Goofy | | 81% | Sleeping Beauty | | 63% | Peter Pan | | 56% | The Beast | | 56% | Cinderella | | 50% | Pinocchio | | 50% | Ariel | | 38% | Cruella De Ville | | 31% | Snow White | | 25% | Donald Duck | | 6% |
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with QuizFarm.com |
2:06:00 PM
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Real Fave
My second favorite reality show was on last week - Project Runway on Bravo! We got to find out what the ones from last season are doing now and got to see the winner Jay, Austin, Kara, and the dreadful Wendy at the screenings for contestants. Two contestants were eliminated and not too surprisingly. Here at the beginning, just like last time, some emerge as better than the others. Last week Santine and Chloe won. Andrae broke down and cried inappropriately which was uncomfortable. He might not last long. I haven't figured out which ones I like best yet and which ones get on my nerves. I hope there isn't another Wendy Pepper in this group, but one of them has tendencies in that direction. I'll label the posts about Project Runway developments, so those of you who don't care and don't want to know can avoid them. I know how that is. But any of you who watch, please discuss it with me. That's part of the fun of it.
The Apprentice: For the record, I thought Randal would be the next apprentice from the beginning. Now I'm not as confident since things have been going better with Rebecca's project (problem at the last minute with Joe Piscopo but looks like rain with no contingency plan for Randal). Rebecca seems to be better organized and to follow-up with what she delegates than Randal, so I'm not sure now who will be hired.
My favorite reality show Dancing with the Stars will be back in January, I think. I hope someone as much fun to watch as John O'Hurley and Charlotte Jorgensen will be contestants. They were fantastic.
8:44:00 PM
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Damn Those People
Yesterday Brendan and I hung out in Bellevue while Melissa did some Christmas shopping at the gift shop at the zoo. We had a lot of fun. Before we went in Toys R Us, I told Brendan to stay near me and that he could look at and play with anything he wanted to. As soon as we got in the store, he immediately ran to the stuffed animals he loves so much. I said something to him about getting away from me which didn't do any good since he ran at full speed down an aisle. It scared me to death since it takes only a second for someone to abduct a child. When I caught up with him, I put him in the shopping cart and told him he had to get in there since he wouldn't stay with me and ran away. He took it really well and rode around as we checked out the toys.
When we went to the mall, I explained to Brendan that we would eat lunch and then go to the play area. He does really well as long as he knows what to expect. After lunch, I told him again to stay with me, but he ran gleefully to the play area. When I got there, he was sitting on the steps waiting for me (he's fast). I told him I couldn't let him play with the children because he ran away from me. Without a word or whine, he got up and climbed in the stroller and sat there. I wanted to cry. I wanted to give in. I wanted to hug him and let him do whatever he wanted to. It wasn't that hard disciplining Brian. I held strong though. I had to. The stakes are too high not to be vigilant. After a little while, I told him he could play now. He scurried out there and really enjoyed it.
What bothers me is living in a world where we have to watch children so closely. I hate it that predators and perverts are out there lurking about to abuse and kill children. He's just 2 1/2, so how can he understand there are bad people who could hurt him. I don't understand it myself.
What a pleasure it was looking at those children playing, laughing, and trusting while their parents and grandparents watch and smile and love. It's the best of humanity, and we'll do whatever it takes to protect them.
10:44:00 PM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Book Lover's Quiz
1. Children's - Who describes the ups and downs of coexisting with primates in My Life with the Chimpanzees? 2. Classics - What novel resulted when the San Francisco News sent a reporter to investigate the plight of Depression-era migrant farm workers? 3. Non-Fiction - What pop star thrilled fans with details of her gastric bypass surgery in the book Gut Feelings? 4. Book Club - Who presented Any Woman's Blues, a faux autobiography of painter Leila Sand, as if her recurring character Isdora Wing had written it? 5. Authors - What author led the Merry Pranksters in Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test? 6. Book Bag - Whose Olivia Goldsmith novel about the book trade features the writer of a 1,114-page manuscript who commits suicide after her 23rd rejection letter?
10:11:00 AM
The Goat Phoenix
Muppetlord posted this link about a Swedish goat of straw once again reminiscent of the Phoenix .
10:01:00 AM
I'm tired of the way my blog looks but am scared to try to change it since the last time I attempted such a feat, I messed it up and had to enlist a former student to fix it. Interesting the things we consider doing in order to avoid actual, productive work. Ah, yes!
9:57:00 AM
Monday, December 05, 2005
Time Well Wasted
Some of you who listen to country music will recognize the title of this post from Brad Paisley's CD, which I discovered on Chris's blog. I'm not sure I could pick out Paisley from a line-up, but that title describes my retirement perfectly! So far that's what I've been doing and loving it! Tomorrow is a dangerous word during retirement, especially for us procrastinators. I've been a productive member of society for a long time and enjoy this so much.
1:04:00 PM
Check Your Sources
When I taught students how to write research papers, I emphasized the importance of having many sources and checking the veracity of them. I included Rufus Griswold as an example of biased sources since he is where most of the spiteful misinformation about Edgar Allan Poe originated. Credible sources are even more of a challenge on the net since anyone can post anything and sound authoritative.
Now we have respected journalist John Seigenthaler who has been maligned on the net. On Law & Order, Numbers, and other crime-related TV series it's easy to find out all kinds of things about people but not so much in real life apparently. Maybe he needs a hacker to do it for him. Seigenthaler has so much class, integrity, and elegance. He is a liberal who has walked the walk, and someone I have admired for a very long time. I really enjoy his show "A Word on Words" on Nashville public television, where he showcases authors with his insightful questions and comments.
Michael posted a link to this article on his blog, or I might have missed it. Then I wouldn't have googled Seigenthaler to include a link for you to read (please do) and also wouldn't have clicked this link to read the inspiring commencement address he gave at MTSU. Thank you, Marathon Man!
12:15:00 PM
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I wondered what happened to Alan Titchmarch after he left Ground Force, so I googled him and found out he's been doing some series about the natural history of the British Isles. This hasn't made its way to BBC-America, but then those shows take a while to get here. Those of you over there across the pond, how is it? What good shows are we missing?
Clever, sneaky Brits are coming over here acting in many movies and TV series using American accents so well that no one suspects a thing. Some of them I know about are Hugh Laurie in House, Ian McShane in Deadwood, Joely Richardson in Nip/Tuck, and others I can't remember right now. Anthony LaPaglia is Australian. I thought he was American. Several Australians do good American accents, too, such as Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, and Geoffrey Rush. Of course, there are scads of Canadians here. Thank goodness for them all! Any others you can think of?
Craig Ferguson: "I don't like the turkey. It's a dry bird. Almost sardonic."
Do you think a premature withdrawal would frustrate Iraq? (sorry, something about that term turns me into Beavis and Butthead with a better vocabulary)
5:02:00 PM
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - What film did Tatum O'Neal win a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for when she was only ten years old? 2. TV - Who played the two musicians who sold their souls to the devil for fame in A Year at the Top? 3. MUSIC - What harmonica-wielding actor was responsible for The Return of Bruno? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What former WWF wrestler posed for Playboy magazine in November 2000? 5. BUZZ - What product does Sammy Hagar's company Cabo Wabo produce? 6. FAD - In the '80s, what utensil might you gag me with?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What town is famous for the saloon in which Wild Bill Hickok was killed in 1876? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What track does the Chattanooga Choo-Choo leave from? 9. History - What tasty entree was inspired by England's poulty-loving Edward VII? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What does PVC stand for? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - Who are the only two professional players to have been credited with over 500 home runs and at least one pitching victory? 12. WILD CARD - What rakish canine character made his national prime-time debut at the 1987 Super Bowl?
11:17:00 PM
It was a delight to see everyone again when PBS aired a reunion episode of As Time Goes By. This is one of my very favorite series ever. In fact, I gave myself the complete boxed set as a retirement present. I have no problem doing nice things for myself.
11:12:00 PM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Joy of Sex with 1,800 Men
This is an interesting article. What do you think?
4:00:00 PM
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
New Toys
I got Kathy's children this really cool interactive globe for Christmas today and have been playing with it. LeapFrog has neat toys that are educational and fun and so does vtech. Americans are notoriously bad at geography, and I'm one of them. That's usually my last piece in Trivial Pursuit to get which is scary because sometimes I know the sports and leisure questions before the geography. Some of it I know very well, though. Anyway, I've had fun playing with this globe and would like to have one. It tells the names of all the places, capitals, population, money, music, distances, the time everywhere, and much more. Then there are the dreaded quizzes! It would help if I could see some of those small places and print. Guess I need a magnifying glass.
Another thing I bought is the Book Lover's edition of Trivial Pursuit. I'm going to post a quiz from that on here now and then to see how we do on that. I don't want to do that too much since I plan to play it with friends and don't want to cheat. So stay tuned for a new quiz!
Book Lover's Quiz
1. Children's - What Judy Blume novel was originally slated to be called Peter, Fudge, and Dribble? 2. Classics - What Western tale by Walter Van Tilburg Clark centers on the lynching of three innocents? 3. Non-Fiction - What long-dead rapper's 2003 book Resurrection was hyped as "the autobiography he never got to write"? 4. Book Club - What lyrical Kent Haruf novel recounts a year in the life of a town in the Colorado flatlands? 5. Authors - What homemaker parlayed her At Wit's End column in the Kettering-Oakwood Times into 15 best-selling humor books? 6. Book Bag - Whose unique verse, collected in Deadline Post, was launched when a former GOP official inspired his first poem, "If You Knew What Sununu"?
If you don't know many of these, join the club! (and I'm a former English teacher)
5:17:00 PM
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Blues
For those of you who like the blues and want to help blues musicians who are in need, they also have those bracelets. These have Honor Blues on them.
6:13:00 PM
Tuesdays with Telly
Sunday and Tuesday have become my favorite television nights. I look forward to House, Commander-in-Chief, Boston Legal, Law & Order SVU, and Bones. Thank goodness for my newest favorite gadget, my DVR, since some of them are on at the same time! Sunday night has West Wing, Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Law & Order CI, and Cold Case.
The first season of Lost was innovative and clever, but they lost me during the second season. That underground thing, the others, and odd story lines make it too strange. It’s as if they don’t know where they’re going with it. Anyone else feel that way?
12:18:00 PM
Monday, November 28, 2005
Brave and Undaunted
Brendan had dental reconstruction surgery this morning at the Tennessee Christian Medical Center in Madison. He had quite a bit done and did really well. It's scary when a child that young has to go through something like that. Melissa explains it really well here. I got to his room around 7:30 and saw him in his little aqua hospital gown. Melissa said he was beginning to freak out from all the strange people coming in and doing things to him and was glad I got there when I did to provide a familiar face. He started dancing around entertaining us and was fine with the nurse and anesthesiologist. They were wonderful there and explained things so well and were great with him. His surgery was at 8:00, and they got to go home at 1:30. We're really thankful for the care they took of him and for Brendan!
6:56:00 PM
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Movie Review
I just got home from watching Walk the Line and really liked it. Joaquin Phoenix portrayed Johnny Cash so well that he looked and sounded like him well enough for me to get caught up in it. Reese Witherspoon was convincing as June Carter and had her perky, funny side as well as her down-to-earth, authentic personality. It's a long movie, but I didn't fidget or lose interest at all. Very good!!
10:30:00 PM
Friday, November 25, 2005
I just want to say that I don't like the way Ann Heche horned in on what was a major event in Ellen Degeneres's life. Coming out on her show and in real life had to be scary and difficult. Then along comes Ann Heche to get in on the spotlight and have it all about her. I'm not even sure that crazy stage she went through was real because then she moved on to a man, married him, and has children. Whatever it is, I don't choose to watch her again.
I was watching reruns of Celebrity Poker, enjoying the banter, and having fun watching the men of Wisteria Lane. I always enjoy seeing and hearing Jamie Denton. Then they had another one of champions competing against each other. They were introduced: Barry Corbin (fine, Maurice on Northern Exposure), Dule Hill (love Charlie from West Wing), Kevin Nealon (always funny), Steven Culp (winner from the Desperate Housewives game), and then a name that I'd tried to forget ... Wendy Pepper, who managed to be even more obnoxious during the tournament than she was on Project Runway. She never should be given any more attention from anyone anywhere that I can see her. I really enjoyed watching after she was eliminated and went to the Loser's Lounge except when she was all over Barry Corbin. Yuck! Yuck! Ick! Bleah!
OK, I feel better now. Do any of you have people you don't even really know who affect you this way?
8:20:00 PM
New pictures folder has some from Thanksgiving. Check them out.
5:37:00 PM
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - Who directed the 2001 remake of Planet of the Apes? 2. TV - Who was Johnny Carson's permanent guest host from 1983 to 1986? 3. MUSIC - What singer shares a birthday with country singer Ryan Adams? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What early video game featured robots yelling, "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" 5. BUZZ - What's the name of the style of martial arts created by Bruce Lee? 6. FAD - What drink existed for a mere 79 days in 1985?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What Presidential family is rumored to have provided the model for the book Primary Colors? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What was Howard Borden's profession on The Bob Newhart Show? 9. History - What musical instrument, often found at the circus, is named for the Greek muse of epic poetry? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What disease results from the destruction of islet cells? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What regulation added more offensive punch to baseball's American League in 1973? 12. WILD CARD - Where would you find the arrangement of letters based on the qwerty system?
2:00:00 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Batman Continues
I watched Batman Begins yesterday and liked it very much. Christian Bale might now be my favorite Batman. It was helpful to see how things were when he was a child and where his demons originated. Batman has always been mysterious, dark, and adult. This version explained why and had depth and story. It was enlightening to watch the metamorphosis and struggle with Batman's persona as it evolved. I loved the bat cave and how the batmobile gets to it. It was neat how the outfit (especially the cape) and car came to be.
I enjoyed seeing Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine, as usual. Liam Neeson's character was a dark Jedi master type who trained Bruce Wayne into the League of Shadows. There were several villains, among which the Scarecrow was totally corrupt.
I could almost forget about Tom Cruise while watching Katie Holmes, thank goodness. This version wasn't as cartoonish or camp as some and was more realistic and quite entertaining. I've liked most of the Batman movies and really did enjoy this one. Now I'd like to watch them all and compare since I don't remember some of them too well.
From the movie: "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."
12:16:00 PM
Spamalot (not the musical)
What's with these people who send that jibberish email? They're not trying to sell something, vandalize your computer, rip you off, or anything apparently like that. So what's the deal?
11:10:00 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone has a warm, happy Thanksgiving! Fifteen of us will be at Mother's now that we have the little great-grandchildren. That should be interesting now that they are mobile and talking. Jill has fifteen for Sunday dinner every week! Wow! I know a lot of you are getting ready for large groups and some, like me, are taking dishes to add to the gathering. Whatever you're doing, I hope your day is good.
10:57:00 AM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Do you know about oscillococcinum? At the first signs of flu, take it and see a big improvement. It's good to keep some on hand because you never know when you might need it.
Something else I use when I have allergies, sinus infections, and a cold is the Nasaline, a nasal irrigator. What's great about it is that is not a drug and does the job without side-effects. Dr. David Ross, my internist, said they used nasal irrigation all the time at the Mayo Clinic but that when he got here, he couldn't get anyone to listen to him and use one, so he just quit mentioning it. For people who can't take antihistimines or decongestants, they are really helpful. It doesn't take long to use it, and I don't feel like I'm drowning which I was afraid I would. It's definitely better than allergy meds and is a good preventive when you know you'll be exposed to allergens. ($20 at Dickson Vitamin Center) I add some colloidal silver to the saline solution and some drops of nasal spray with golden seal and echinacea when I have a cold.
This Acute Cold and Flu Formula is good, too. It's really helped me a lot.
Now that cold and flu season is upon us, I thought I'd offer these helpful suggestions. There's also chicken soup, aka Jewish penicillin! Don't forget much that helps!
Sometimes, though, we have to give in to antibiotics, etc. What works for you?
Michael recommended Sino Fresh on his blog and suggested Jimmie (J. J.) Walker should be the celebrity spokesperson for it. I agree.
Posting this made me remember childhood remedies. I can still smell Vicks Vaporub and Minute Rub that Daddy would put on me when I had a cold. Does anyone else remember Minute Rub? What was it exactly? I sort of remember a eucalpytus smell associated with it. I googled but didn't find anything about it.
12:15:00 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Reorganization and Evolution
Sometimes I think it might be a good idea if people from another planet came down, took over, and fixed everything. Not in a mainfest destiny attacking kind of way but more the way someone does when children tried to prepare a meal and really messed up the kitchen and adults clean it up and show them how to cook and clean. Like that. They would be from a more civilized planet and are highly evolved. This is where I want to live in my next life if there is such a thing as reincarnation. These people will show us (them more than us) the error of our ways and get us on track. Possible? Any other ideas?
I guess what I'm wondering is if we are getting any better? Students of history will notice that we have improved in several areas. So even though it seems really grim, maybe humans are slow learners but are getting there. I hope so.
12:07:00 AM
Friday, November 18, 2005
We the Jury
My stint on a jury ended this week. We're obligated for three weeks, but I was there one day during jury selection when I wasn't even a semi-finalist, another day when I was actually on a jury and one when we watched the attorneys settle and try non-jury cases. We missed something horrible because they had one scheduled that was possibly going to last at least a couple of weeks with a sequestered jury. Whew!! They settled. What a relief.
This was an interesting experience and one I wouldn't mind doing again before the two years the judge said we might be called again. I was proud of our jury. Everyone discussed the details and evidence, asked and answered questions, explained, deliberated, and reached a conclusion in about 45 minutes. Everyone was calm, polite, and conscientious. It made it very pleasant and felt like the way things should happen. It's scary to have someone's fate in your hands, but by having that many people with different viewpoints and lives helps make it easier.
4:17:00 PM
Shrub gives me hope, too.
Put this way, maybe there is a way up and out.
4:12:00 PM
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - What historic tragedy haunts Frank Horrigan (Clint Eastwood) in In the Line of Fire? 2. TV - Who played Richard Lewis's daddy in Daddy Dearest? 3. MUSIC - What Rolling Stone member performed on Living Colour's debut album Vivid? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What Playstation game had players getting a driver's license and baking a cake in order to win? [I'm way too old to know this] 5. BUZZ - What legendary actress served on the board of Pepsi Cola? [but am the right age to know this one] 6. FAD - Whose signature line was, "Isn't that special?" [and this]
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What author was marked for death after the publication of his best-selling novel in 1988? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - Whose Poem #712 contains the verse, "Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me"? 9. History - What Russian revolutionary was assassinated in Mexico in 1940? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What infectious disease gets its name from the translation of "bad air"? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What legendary Ohio State coach was forced to resign after slugging an opposing player from Clemson? 12. WILD CARD - What is Liberty lawn used for?
10:33:00 AM
Monday, November 14, 2005
Out and About
Linda came down today from Nashville for an appointment with Jim for reflexology. Then we went to lunch, shopping, and a movie. What's not to like about being retired? We went to House Blend for lunch and then to Studio 123, the Pink Hydrangea, Lowe's, and a few other place for shopping. We saw Dreamer, which we liked and cried through. Sure, it was fairly predictable and manipulative, but I was in the mood for a movie like that and enjoyed it. Good cast and good acting and moving story. After the movie we went to Silver Spoon. I told Linda that Jackie probably wouldn't have any crème brûlée since she hadn't made any for a while. It's Linda's favorite dessert. When we went in, Jackie said she'd been wishing I would come in and that she wanted to call me because she had crème brûlée that hadn't sold and wanted to give them to me!! So I shared them with Linda, and we bought something. They have deals at the Roxy on Mondays where seniors get a free small popcorn and drink which comes out to more than the cost of the movie for seniors.
I was riding high on my good fortune, feeling as if things were going so well! Then when I called the number for the recording at the court clerk's office, I found out I have to report for jury duty tomorrow. Maybe I'll luck out again and not be chosen. Last week would have been fine to be on a jury, but Brian and Brendan are planning to come down tomorrow. I called Brian and will let him know as soon as I can (lunch break, I guess) what's going on since he has an appointment down here at 2:00, and I was going to keep Brendan so he could make it. Now we don't know. Wish I could exchange the free food karma for not being a semi-finalist, finalist, or winner in the jury selection. Bummer!
6:57:00 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2005
I'm really tired of hearing "in harm's way" and "at the end of the day" (unless the person is British). I'm sure there are others, but those are at the top of my list now. "Stay the course" has an annoying meaning all its own.
Which ones have worn out their welcome with you?
10:52:00 PM
This 'n That
When I googled to find that blog I was searching for, I found one that is great! It's called Time Goes By and is by a woman about my age who writes about how it really is to get older. Our careers and lives have been different, but we share some experiences, opinions, and concerns. It was also a relief to find her blog since a combination of words I could remember from that other one led me to porn sites. Who knew?
I watched Two Brothers and had a hard time getting through that movie yesterday. I didn't know much about it and don't think I would have seen it if I had. It really upset me. What happened to those tiger cubs after their mother was senselessly shot while temples were being robbed of statues to sell at auctions was criminal. All of it was. It showed the worst aspects of people. In one case, taking wild animal cubs into homes and expecting them to become domesticated is insane. Then they kill them for being who and what they are. (same with gay people who are killed literally and/or emotionally) If the animals are lucky, they are taken to a refuge. It's all about greed, which has become my least-favorite word.
Over thirty years ago Paige, Carl, Milton, and I used to get into these conversations about why people couldn't just leave each other alone and be satisfied with what they had. Carl maintained his "King of the Hill" stance and how that was part of the male drive to conquer and win. That's what drives too many businesses. The one with the most toys wins. It's not enough to make a living or do well without destroying the competition. Territorial imperative, manifest destiny, king of the world ... is it in our nature?
2:33:00 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Easy Go
I was clicking Next Blog Next Blog Next Blog other day and started reading one I liked. It was by a former psychotherapist who lives in California and commented on politics and society. Unfortunately, I didn't save the link and can't find it now. I was planning to read more of it. I left a comment and wish the blogger had enough curiosity to check out my blog and let me know how to get to that one. The title had something about gray or grey in it.
11:44:00 AM
Friday, November 11, 2005
Worst of the Worst
What's the worst movie you've paid to see? Maybe we should put them in cateogories, such as worst movie that won awards (Titanic) or worst that went right to video (many of those). There have been movies so bad that I could barely watch the actors in anything else (Titanic) and some that made me feel embarrassed for the actors for having to say the lines (John Q and others with good casts that should have been better). I really wasted my time with Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Exit to Eden, Sweet November). Since I avoid movies with Madonna, Johnny Knoxville, Rob Schneider, and Jim Carrey (selectively), I don't have to add those to my list.
A friend and I were talking today about cancelled TV shows we liked. It started by wondering why Law & Order: Trial by Jury didn't make it. That's the only L&O version that didn't last long, which is unusual for Dick Wolf. Another show I just loved was Deadline with Bebe Neuwirth, Oliver Platt, and Tom Conti. Hmm, Bebe Neuwirth was in both of those shows. Hope that's just a coincidence. I'm still upset about them and The Education of Max Bickford. Why can't intelligent, well-written shows with wonderful acting last? Some do, thank goodness, but it's often the kiss of death if I like something. Are there some that you hated to see go when they were cancelled?
I heard that the Stones have a defribulator (however it's spelled) back stage with them while on tour now.
10:54:00 PM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Thanks to Michael for linking an article about cancer survivors on his blog. Be sure to click on the related article because both explain the feelings and complications that follow cancer treatment. Here's a line from the article: "Your doctor says you're cancer-free, but you're not free of cancer."
9:51:00 PM
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
The Real Thing
Who is the real James Bond? Which Batman is the best? Coke or Pepsi? Late night talk show host?
7:35:00 PM
Monday, November 07, 2005
Have any of you read excerpts from Scooter Libby's novel The Apprentice? It's not just bad writing but pornographic (child bestiality). Makes me want to take a shower and wash my eyes out with soap. See what I mean?
At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest.
I just realized the pervy hits I'll get on my blog with those words in it. Run away! Run away!
2:27:00 PM
I got this link from Michael's blog and thought it was interesting, whatever it means. Wish I could get the money.
11:15:00 AM
Chris just posted his 300th entry on his blog that I enjoy reading very much. It made me wonder how many posts I have, and this will be #964. It made me think about why I began this blog and how it's changed. Thank goodness, I'm still here to write it. We got pretty scared there for a while.
I was naive about the ways of the net at first and thought only the people I gave the url to could read it. Then I noticed other blogs being mentioned on Blogger when I'd sign on and read some of those. An outstanding one was Dictated but Not Read by Margot, which she no longer writes. I miss it because she writes well. Her blog led me to Michael's, who answers most of the trivia questions and writes about so many different topics entertainingly and informatively. One headline caught my attention early on when Scaryduck was congratulated for winning Best Blog of the UK that year, so I went over and read it, went back and read it from the beginning, and still read it. Unfortunately, his post today is about masturbating (wanking), but let's chalk it up to English humor (or humour) and the ongoing saga of his vasectomy (not funny, I'm sure). Speaking of Brits, I've also been introduced to Rik and his father Aled (one-post wonder) as well as others whose blogs I read but am not in touch with except in comment boxes. When he left a comment, I was shocked to learn that Alistair (Scaryduck) had been reading my blog because I didn't know about trackers then but got one myself later on. I also didn't know I could be googled and now just tell people who ask how to get to my blog to google my name. Google has become a verb for us now, and how easy it is to find information because of it.
Interestingly, some of us "met" because Blogger had links to our blogs. Then we read and followed links. I discovered some fascinating people that way, as well as some I chose not to return to. This reminds me of some blogs I used to read but haven't for a while. Think I'll go visit some of them soon. I'm still in touch with the ones I mentioned and feel that I know them. Some of us have linked to each other and email occasionally. Neat, isn't it?
10:30:00 AM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
In Memoriam
I am sad to learn of the death of Navajo artist R. C. Gorman, whose work I've liked for a long time.
6:45:00 PM
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - Who played the title role in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? 2. TV - What did NBC start dubbing its Thursday night lineup in 1993? [that's when Thursday night had good shows] 3. MUSIC - What four female names are featured in song titles on The White Album? [don your thinking caps, Beatles fans!] 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What pro golfer was the college roommate of Michael Jordan at the University of North Carolina? 5. BUZZ - What Canadian town was the childhood home of Late Show bandleader Paul Schaffer? 6. FAD - What sense does Matt Murdock (aka Daredevil) lack? [who?]
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What daughter of a famous TV couple had a show in her own name in 1995 that lasted less than two months? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What is the name of the co-host whose banter adds beauty to Howard Stern's bombastic babble? 9. History - What conflict ended with the ceding of Hong Kong to the British? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What is the study of character based on the shape of the head? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What did fifteen year-old Tara Lipenski do, just six months after winning a gold medal for Olympic figure-skating? 12. WILD CARD - What is the name for the French accent mark written from the upper left to the lower right?
5:50:00 PM
The Week That Was
I can't believe I didn't write this week. So let's see, what have I done? I reported for jury duty Monday and sat through jury selection and could figure out the strategies of each side based on the questions. It was a civil suit that didn't sound too interesting, so I was glad my number didn't get picked. I was on a jury a long time ago but haven't been called since. I liked one of the lawyers more than the other based on the way he conducted himself and his looks. (OK, I'm shallow, too.) He had a relaxed, intelligent way of asking questions and used humor when appropriate, too. Both sides were represented by Nashville firms, so no local attorneys were involved the way it was on the jury I was on before. I have to call back tomorrow evening to see if I am supposed to report Tuesday. They obligate you for about three weeks. Jury selection is interesting since they have to choose based on the information they have as well as what they pick up from body language, appearance, answers to questions, and other things particular to those attorneys and/or their jury consultant in some cases. Since I've been watching lawyer shows since Perry Mason to L. A. Law to all the Law & Orders to Boston Legal (as well as John Grisham books and many movies), I observe it on several levels. I'm sure I'll have to go back and will find out if I'm chosen or not. It was fine not even being a semi-finalist, but we'll see what happens.
I kept Brendan Tuesday, and he spent the night Thursday night and was here all day Friday. We went to visit Mother both times which was fun. Then we went by and saw Jim and Zela at the vitamin center. Brendan was definitely "on" while we were there. We also went to the library. All anyone has to do is tell him something, and he remembers it. I mentioned where we were going, and after we left one place, he'd announce where we were going next. He has Melissa's freakishly good memory for song lyrics and stories. For example, he was in the back seat singing "American Pie" while we were riding around. Yes, ALL of it!! Good grief! What cracks me up is hearing his sweet little 2 1/2 year-old voice singing the line from "Angel from Montgomery" about "to believe in this living is just a hard way to go." It's also cute because his l's are y's, initial r's are w's, and other r's are ah's. He's been this way about learning words, songs, and stories since the beginning, just as most children do. Brendan will hone in on anything new, want to hear it over and over, process it, and then know it. He has quite a repertoire of material and will identify them as Mommy songs, Daddy songs, Grammy songs, etc. For the record, he also knows children songs. Listening to him made me remember when Brian was 3 and broke into "I've got a freaky old lady name o' Cocaine Katy" one day and sang all of that song. I asked him where he learned that, and he said from Daddy. They are like sponges, and we did listen to that Dr. Hook album quite a lot, so we were both responsible. Brian grew up knowing all kinds of songs, so they both sing to Brendan, tell and read him stories, and talk to him. I'm teaching him some songs, too, but will save this for another post.
10:09:00 AM
Says You
I did this today by typing while listening. They are difficult but informative. I didn't know any of them.
Give the derivation of these nautical terms:
1. ringleader 2. highjack 3. hard and fast 4. to give quarter 5. fits the bill 6. deep six
Where do these lead?
There were hints along the way, but I couldn't figure out how to do that, so they are in the answer box.
for example, Starbucks leads to Herman Melville (first mate in Moby Dick)
7. the beach of Falesa 8. boyhood 9. seize the day 10. three guineas 11. widower's houses 12. setting free the bears
9:32:00 AM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Doesn't Belong
Everybody sing, "Which of these things is not like the other? Which of these things doesn't belong?" On Says You on NPR this morning was a clever quiz I'll post as much of as I can recall. What you need to do is tell which one of the terms or people on the list is different from the others and why. Can someone else (Michael) remember the others? If so, please email them to me, and I'll post them. These were fun, but this is all that stuck with me.
1. tavern, bar, cane, corn
2. Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, Hades
3. Suzanne Somers, Spring Byington, Elsa Lancaster, Robin Wright Penn
11:19:00 AM
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - What movie features Meryl Streep as a substance-abusing actress and Shirley MacLaine as her mother? 2. TV - What thirtysomething character reappeared on Once and Again? 3. MUSIC - What body part was celebrated in a 1983 song by ZZ Top? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What nickname was given to the last-second play that won the Tennessee Titans the 1999 wildcard playoffs? 5. BUZZ - What music mogul owns the Sean John fashion line? 6. FAD - What 1992 Billy Ray Cyrus song reigned country-western line dancing?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - Who led the Million Man March to Washington, D.C., in 1995? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - Who was Walt Whitman honoring in his poem "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd"? [any of my former students should get this one right!] 9. History - What farmland state was the site of the famous Brown vs. the Board of Education trial? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - Where would you look for a uvula? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - Who holds the current record for playing the most games in baseball history? 12. WILD CARD - What do you call the serpent-entwined rod traditionally carried by the Greek god Hermes?
8:11:00 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Hemispheric Conditions
Why doesn't South America have hurricanes? What about Australia? Does it? Do you think it has to do with clockwise and counter?
I googled and found out some interesting things about all this. They do move in different directions in each hemisphere and are called different names (as Scaryduck commented). They are cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere and typhoons in the Pacific. I still don't recall South America having the destruction from so many tropical storms that turned into much worse that we've had. I have to go to work at China Place now and will research this later unless some of you know the answers.
10:21:00 PM
Monday, October 24, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - What is Alex Owens's (Jennifer Beales) day job in Flashdance? 2. TV - What was the catchphrase of Jacko, the Aussie Energizer spokesman? 3. MUSIC - What record-industry executive was attacked by Sean "Puffy" Combs in a 1999 altercation? [ah, the name changes of the P] 4. SPORTS & GAMES - How did Lyn St. James and Sarah Fisher finish the 2001 Indianapolis 500, the first time two women qualified for the race? 5. BUZZ - What tennis Grand Slam champion rebelled against her early success by shoplifting? 6. FAD - Who played the construction worker being ogled by women in the late '90's Diet Coke commercials? [ah yes]
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What studio mogul, whose company once merged with Metro Pictures, said, "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on"? [that's just funny] 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What is inscribed on the statue of Emil Faber in the movie Animal House? 9. History - What patriotic song did Julia Ward Howe write the lyrics to? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What word can mean "dull" or "insensitive" or can refer to angles in geometry? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - Who is the only player to win the Heisman Trophy twice? 12. WILD CARD - What flower is named from the mythological figure who couldn't stop staring at his reflection?
1:34:00 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
This will make you throw up.
10:58:00 PM
I just discovered a hilarious show on HBO. Ricky Gervais has done it again. This one is Extras and so funny. The premise is that he's an extra on movies which paves the way for guest stars. Samuel L. Jackson was on the one I saw. I loved The Office on BBC-America and am glad he's created another series.
10:46:00 PM
May I?
I thought when I retired from teaching that I would never again have to give anyone permission to go to the bathroom. I must have been sending out a teacher vibe at the Chinese restaurant when a customer came in and asked if he could go to the bathroom before he went to his table. I laughed behind my face at this.
3:39:00 PM
Something I've wondered about is why don't people eat other food besides Chinese with chopsticks. It's as if because it's Chinese and they know how to use chopsticks, they just eat that with them. Why not branch out?
3:34:00 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I learned that word olio from working crossword puzzles. Mother taught me how to do those when I was a teenager, and I've enjoyed them ever since. She also gave me the advice to use all capital letters because the conformity helps make the words easier to figure out.
After watching some of the new TV shows, the only ones I like are Commander-in-Chief and Bones. Out of Practice isn't that good which is too bad since the creators and cast are really talented. It's too silly. There are fewer shows I want to watch which will give me more time to do other things. I still have my favorites and look forward to those.
I added another very part-time job to my resume this week and filled in at China Place for the regular hostess who had surgery. I worked Wednesday and Friday from 11-2 and will work this next week Monday and Wednesday. Asking if they want the smoking or non-smoking section and booth or table is not something I'd want to do all the time, but this works out fine for four days and gives me time to play and enjoy being retired. Later on I'd like to do something and have had this idea to create calendars. I have a lot of ideas and just need to get started.
Brian has participated in the National Novel Writing Month the last two years and urged me to do it, too. I told him last year I would, so I'm going to sign up and be one of them. Michelle did it, too, and finished her word count as well. Here's the link if any of you want to join the festivities. Apparently this offers the incentive and motivation for us to do what we've been procrastinating about. I need it.
Earl and I still haven't won the lottery. I guess you've noticed. This means my traveling plans are still on hold.
10:37:00 AM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Did You Know?
What esoteric oddities of information do you know that don't really work themselves into conversations? I was able to use many of mine when I taught but some never made it. For example, Patrick Sky made Buffy Sainte-Marie's mouthbow which she plays on "Groundhog" and other songs that I still know the words to. Mimi Fariña is the sister of Joan Baez. Her husband Richard Fariña played the dulcimer on several albums ("Pack Up Your Sorrows" and "Carry It On" with Joan Baez and also Judy Collins) and was killed in a motorcycle accident. I have one album by Mimi and Richard (who were both of Celtic and Hispanic ancestry) as well as a copy of his book Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me. I was a big folk music fan and learned a lot about it. When I played my albums, I'd tell Brian all kinds of things about it which gave him a diverse music background. He played my Beatles albums more than I did when he got older and looked quite a bit like John Lennon when he was in college. I wish I'd taken a picture of him when he did. It was neat.
Tell us some things you know. Here's your chance! We can learn from each other.
11:34:00 PM
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - Who played Jim Morrison in the film The Doors? [good job he did, too, as usual for him] 2. TV - What is the name of Sabrina the Teenage Witch's cat? 3. MUSIC - Where did the Beatles play in their last official concert? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What grunge band was originally named after NBA guard Mookie Blaylock? 5. BUZZ - What TV show does former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson star in? [I wouldn't say star in. Unfortunately I know this since he's from Tennessee and I regularly watch that series.] 6. FAD - What's the fictitious hometown of radio personality Garrison Keillor?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - Who was Time magazine's first Man-of-the-Year? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What were the three spin-offs of the Mary Tyler Moore show? [watched them - especially one of them] 9. History - Who were the only two Americans executed for being Russian spies? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - Where does a pyroclastic flow originate? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - Who designed the course at Augusta National, home of the Masters? (Michael, you should know this.] 12. WILD CARD - What youth service organization uses the motto, "We learn to do by doing"?
10:56:00 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
What if?
If you could uninvent anything, what would it be? Mine would be the Stairmaster. Of course, I can avoid that, so maybe I need to think of something that intrudes on my life. I'll get back to you on this. What's yours?
12:40:00 AM
Monday, October 10, 2005
The Devil and the Angel
Be sure to notice the new photos on my blog that Earl took. One of them is his revenge for what I wrote about him. He never reads my blog, but some kind of radar led him to it today.
Also if you haven't seen the new photos of Brendan from the birthday brunch, they are in the Brendan folder.
9:23:00 PM
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Blues Festival
Helena, Arkansas, is a small town that opens its doors and heart to blues fans, some of whom have been attending their three-day festival, which was named the King Biscuit Blues Festival for the flour which also originated there, since its beginning. The New York City organization that produces the King Biscuit Flour Hour won't allow the festival to use its own name now, so for its 20th anniversary they had to change. Not fair, is it? Still the spirit of the festival prevailed, and the blues filled the air.
Earl and I drove down and met his daughter Margaret and Chuck who drove up from Florida. It was quite chilly and windy there by the Mississippi River, and I got sunburned Friday. Fortunately, it was cool enough Saturday to wear a jacket and protect my arms. I'm still a partial redneck, though. Most of our time was spent at the acoustic stage listening to Bob Margolin, Fruteland Jackson, Honey Boy Williams, Paul Geremia, and many others. Pinetop Perkins was at the main stage and was amazing at 92. The entire line-up is listed on the website. There are photos from last year, and I have a few in the new photos section of my Photo Album. I'll post some more when Earl emails me the ones he took.
We all stayed in Clarksdale, MS, where the Delta Blues Museum and Ground Zero Blues Club are located. (Just for the record, I had my own room. Earl and I don't have that kind of relationship and are more like siblings. Besides, even to save money, there's no way I could deal with his smoking, snoring, and messiness. OK, yes, I do have some control issues. LOL) The museum has some wonderful black-and-white photographs of musicians, baptisms, scenery, and other blues-related subjects by Bill Steber. It's really interesting and a worthwhile place to visit. Ground Zero is co-owned by Morgan Freeman and was featured in the documentary Last of the Mississippi Juke Joints. We didn't go in and found out too late to change our plans about a brunch today since the festival ended last night. Pinetop Perkins was honored at Hopson Plantation and was signing autographs. Earl had a poster of him he was hoping to get signed, but we missed that, too.
The crossroads of Highways 61 and 49 is the legendary location where Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil in exchange for being able to play the guitar. The location of the crossroads is the subject of debate and speculation among those who like to do that kind of thing.
Sunday morning breakfast was at this neat place, the Delta Eye. There were events down the street at the Cat Head which sounded very interesting. This is a neat place to visit.
It was good to get away and have a change of scenery. I'm going to make plans to take some more trips and do things that are fun. I'm still feeling so good. The morning I woke up on my birthday, I felt great and still am. Maybe it just took three months for me to get over all those years of teaching. Or maybe it was having Brendan spend a night both weekends before my birthday. Plus being more active and enjoying cooler weather. Perhaps 62 is a better number for me than 61 was. Whatever it is, I like it.
9:44:00 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Birthday Blues
Not how it sounds! I've been feeling so good since my birthday Monday that I haven't posted on the blog. I have a lot to tell you about but am packing to leave for a blues festival in Helena, Arkansas. Be sure to read the letter about the name change from the King Biscuit Blues Festival to the Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival. The place to click is in the first sentence above the poster. Comment on how you feel about this. I think it sucks. I'm really looking forward to going and know it will be fun. I'm going with friends, and we'll stay in Clarksdale, Mississippi, where Morgan Freeman owns a blues club. I'll be back sometime Sunday evening.
Brendan spent the night with me this last Friday night and Saturday night before last. We had a great time. I'll tell you more about it when I get back. I had fun celebrating my birthday, too. This year is starting out well.
How are y'all doing?
10:04:00 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - In Terms of Endearment, what does Shirley MacLaine invite Jack Nicholson to see in her bedroom? [good grief, I know this!] 2. TV - Who was the bandleader for the Electric Mayhem? [never, ever heard of them] 3. MUSIC - What trio declared bankruptcy on July 3, 1995 - the same day they had a No. 1 single? [I double-checked the date] 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What part of Evander Holyfield's body did Mike Tyson bite off during their 1997 fight? 5. BUZZ - Manson Family victim Sharon Tate was the wife of what film director? [she was the same 8 months pregnant when that happened that I was with Brian - so creepy] 6. FAD - What manufacturer's ads has model Vaughn dancing in just his skivvies and a smile?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What cook was made a colonel in 1935 by the governor of his state in recognition of contributions to the state's culture? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What was the name of The Little Rascals bunch when their movies were first released? [I remember them on television] 9. History - What program of economic aid to Latin American countries was adopted by the U.S. in the early 1960s? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What evergreen tree native to tropical Africa produces glossy nuts high in caffeine? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - Who was the last player to be the year's home run leader with less than 40 home runs in the season? 12. WILD CARD - What was first issued in the U.S. in 1794, with an edition coined as the "Flowing Hair" series?
2:12:00 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Lost Found
Oh good! They're going to have an encore of the season premiere of Lost. I was hoping that would happen. Thanks to Chris and Gena for letting me know what I missed. I'm looking forward to actually getting to see it for myself.
More later about my evening, night, and day with Brendan.
11:10:00 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - Which branch of the armed forces do the pilots of Top Gun fly for? [I knew one who said he was a topmost gun] 2. TV - What is the theme song for C.S.I.? 3. MUSIC - What group made their debut with 1993's "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?" 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What college basketball powerhouse plays its home games on "Coach K. Court"? 5. BUZZ - What intimidating TV and film star said about himself, "I'm a neurotic mess. I'm really basically just like a 260-pound Woody Allen."? 6. FAD - What board game set sales records by selling more than 20 million units from 1982 to 1984?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What Northern Plains city is named for a series of waterfalls on the Missouri River? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What musical group, debuting in 1997, replaced its members when their voices started changing? 9. History - Which war saw the first use of the name "Uncle Sam" to personify the government of the United States? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What does a whip break when you crack a whip? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What 17-year-old reached the finals in her first tournament, the 1977 U.S. Open? 12. WILD CARD - What popular children's toy originated in the Philippines as a four-pound weapon on a 20-foot-long cord?
11:29:00 PM
I've decided on my TV-watching schedule now after seeing some of the new shows.
Must See (already set the DVR)
West Wing, Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy, Monk, House, Lost, Craig Ferguson (Late, Late Show) and these Awards shows: Oscars, Emmys, Tonys
Will See
Law & Order (original, SVU, CI), Desperate Housewives, ER, Two and a Half Men, Bones, The Apprentice, Project Runway, Medium, Numbers, Curb Your Enthusiasm
When I Need A Good Cry
Three Wishes
Probably Will Watch
How I Met Your Mother, Out of Practice, Commander-in-Chief, My Name is Earl
These choices are based on their staying on the air. I just read that Head Cases has already been cancelled by FOX because of ratings. Networks used to give a show time to find an audience. There are hits that took a while to catch on. Not saying this might have been one of them, but mistakes have been made.
I know they are good, but I never got into the CSI shows. I really like Marg Helgenberger and her husband Alan Rosenberg and do watch that one from time to time as well as the New York version. Since I have so many shows I watch as it is, I try not to add to it so much. Gilmore Girls is another show that's good that I try to watch when I can. I do get my money's worth from cable since I watch movies on HBO as well as some other shows here and there. Now my secret is out about what I watch. What about you? What do you like?
3:10:00 PM
Thursday Reviews
Well, Thursday isn't the night it used to be when Cheers, Fraser, Seinfeld, Friends, and Cosby were on. I think they were all on Thursday night. Tonight I watched Everybody Hates Chris and Love, Inc. on UPN, a station I don't often watch. Those were entertaining, and I might watch them again if I watch at 7:00. I watched ER again because I've been in that ER almost since it began and have seen the doctors, residents, interns, and nurses as they've moved on to other places. It was frustrating tonight because of how Sam is with Luka. I'd like for him to find someone to be happy with, but it's been tough for him. Carter is gone, and new interns are on the show messing up and trying to learn.
Now to The Apprentice ... There's just something about Donald Trump. He's so over-the-top and full of himself that it's funny and entertaining. I get caught up in his show but didn't in Martha Stewart's. This time the teams are men vs. women to create and market an exercise class in a gym. Randal's grandmother died, so he was provided with a helicopter to take him to the funeral in Philadelphia. That would have been pretty bad if he didn't get to leave for that. I agreed with the women's team who only lost by $11 to get rid of Melissa. She got on my nerves. I couldn't have handled hearing her say "at the end of the day" one more time. Usually those annoying people stick around longer, but I'm sure there are others.
I watched to see who "won" on Dancing with the Stars even though that wasn't the point to me. I just wanted to see John O'Hurley and Charlotte Jorgensen dance together again. I think it would have been better if they'd just had the two finalists from before as well as some professionals dance and left off the competition since that had already happened. There's no way for it to come across as anything but sour grapes this way, and I wished John and Charlotte had won before. Those of us who liked this would have watched anyway without the dance-off.
10:47:00 AM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Wednesday Reviews Foiled
I messed up and managed to delete Lost which is the main show I wanted to watch tonight. Of course I did this before I saw any of it. Technology is great (love the DVR) as long as the finger on the remote has some control. I hope one of you watched it and will email me or comment and let me know what happened. Grrrrr! Argh! Can't believe it! So someone please tell me. What happened to Walt? Did the people on the raft make it back to shore? What was in the hatch? Is Sawyer dead? And what about Naomi?
Martha Stewart's Apprentice has the same format as the Donald's does except she says they don't fit in and then writes them a condolence letter.
E-Ring is predictable. I like Dennis Hopper and Benjamin Bratt, and they are fun to watch. Hopper is the maverick crusty colonel who listens to 60's rock music. Bratt is the idealistic, iconoclastic major with a girlfriend in the CIA. There's the inevitable ticking clock and heroic ending. Not sure I'll watch it since I plan to watch Lost from now on. Did I mention that I messed up the recording?
Law & Order was its usual self and has become an institution. Sometimes I watch it and sometimes CSI: New York because I like the actors in it. Head Cases is quirky, so I might watch it some, too. I know this because I accidentally recorded it.
10:25:00 PM
Tuesday Reviews
Last night I watched Bones, House, Law & Order SVU, Dancing with the Stars, and Rock Star INXS. Things will change next week when Boston Legal begins and when I check out Commander-in-Chief. My Name is Earl sounds funny, so I'll have to watch that next week, too. I like Jason Lee, especially in the Kevin Smith movies.
I got caught up in Dancing with the Stars this summer and enjoyed watching John O'Hurley and Charlotte Jorgensen together. She was so graceful, elegant, and beautiful, and he was so J. Peterman. What was really a pleasure last night was to watch the professionals who danced together. They're amazing! I'd like to go to a ballroom dance competition sometime. It's been fun to learn a little bit about it.
I like the characters in Bones and will keep watching it. She (forensic anthropologist) is all science and an emotional bull in a china shop, and the FBI agent has social skills and intuition. I don't know their names yet but do like the writing and characters in the show. Of course there is sexual tension between the two main characters and the same kind of respect, intimidation, and competition in her staff seen in Dr. House's assistants. I heard Dr. Bill Bass speak at a UT Alumni meeting several years ago and was fascinated by his presentation. He had slides and explanations of how they determined various deaths. He founded the Body Farm at UT. Patricia Cornwall has visited there and used it in one of her mystery novels.
Hugh Laurie is wonderful in House which won an Emmy for writing. His character is a brilliant curmudgeon who solves medical mysteries and has a weakness for Sela Ward's character (who wouldn't?) who is his ex-girlfriend who is now married and working in the legal department of the hospital.
I'm narrowing down my choices by checking out the new shows but will continue my favorites. I'm still sad that Judging Amy was cancelled and wish they hadn't done that. I miss it.
I didn't like J.D. the guy INXS chose to be their new member and front man for the band. That's OK since I'm not a fan but do like a couple of their songs. It was an odd series in some ways but interesting to see them perform some good songs. Is it just me, or are the INXS members a little creepy?
7:25:00 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
New Season Reviews
Last night I watched two new series that I think will be good. How I Met Your Mother has snappy dialogue, fresh ideas, and a good cast. I like the interaction between the characters and the premise. I'll probably keep watching that one. Out of Practice is written by some of the Fraser writers, has Stockard Channing and Henry Winkler, and has gags built into it. The more I think about the show the better I like it. Two and a Half Men was silly last night, but I like it and will stick with it as long as it does better than it did last night. Medium was really good last night and is based on a real person the police call in to help with crimes. Glenn Gordon Caron created, directed, and produces it.
I don't watch CSI: Miami because I don't like to watch David Caruso. He kept me from NYPD Blue until he left and Jimmy Smits joined the cast. I hope Smits wins the election on West Wing. He and Alan Alda have really interesting characters on there, but if Smits's character wins, they can keep most of the staff.
I also didn't see Las Vegas, but I watch that sporadically anyway. I caught the pilot of Prison Break and decided against watching it even though it looks interesting. Other new shows on Monday nights are What About Brian and Just Legal. Anyone watch those or some others? If so, how are they? Any comments or suggestions for Monday nights?
1:53:00 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
I just had the best time. Eight of us met for lunch at the Front Porch. Some of them I graduated from high school with - Jill, Mary Ann, Sue, Barbara, and Brenda. Others I've taught with and have known a long time - Serena and Emma. It was a great group, and we had so much fun talking, catching up, reminiscing, and enjoying being together. Friends and family, that's what is important! Thanks so much, Jill, for getting us together and being so incredibly generous.
2:47:00 PM
I watch too much TV. I know it. However, for what I pay for it, I feel obligated to get my money's worth since I have digital cable, HBO, and a DVR. That's a good rationalization, but the truth is that I like to watch television and movies. Watching the Emmy Awards works for me since I'm familiar with most of the nominated shows. I've become a fan of Hugh Laurie in House and think it's well-written and acted. One of the teachers I had lunch with at Creek Wood kept telling me about Lost, which I wouldn't watch because I thought it was a reality show like Survivor; however, she explained what it was about, and I started watching it. Thank goodness both of these shows had reruns which made it possible for me to catch up.
I'm looking forward to the new season which begins this week and to seeing new episodes of West Wing, Boston Legal, House, Lost, Desperate Housewives, ER, Monk, Two and a Half Men, and Grey's Anatomy. Some of the new shows look interesting, so I'll check out some of those. The reality shows I watch are The Apprentice and Project Runway, and I'll see how Martha Stewart's Apprentice looks, too. I'm sorry they cancelled Judging Amy and will miss that. I don't get Showtime and haven't seen Huff, but it sounds good. I really like Hank Azaria. Have any of you seen it?
Bill Clinton was on Meet the Press this morning. I definitely agree with him about the economy. Our government keeps borrowing money from the UK, Japan, China, Korea, and Saudi and plans to borrow more. He said he didn't agree with borrowing and cutting taxes on his income group and thinks it's unethical and bad economics. Also he said that never in the history of our country have we borrowed money to finance a war. We are so deeply in debt with a deficit into the trillions when we had a surplus before. I don't think we need to keep the estate tax and am glad that's gone because taxes have already been paid on that, so why have heirs pay them again? Some people have to sell farms and houses just to pay the taxes on them which is not what their parents worked so hard to have happen. I wish we had a flat-rate income tax. The people who won't have jobs with the IRS could then work for election reform until we get that worked out.
I like what Clinton said about what Katrina will cause us to think about: what is our obligation to the poor, what is the role of government, and who is going to pay for it. I'm glad he and former President Bush are in charge of those relief funds for Katrina and the tsunami since they have a handle on how to allocate those funds and how to go about it. I do miss him and felt more secure when he was president. I'm concerned about his health and think he doesn't look too well. I hope he's OK and will stick around. The Clinton Global Initiative sounds promising.
1:04:00 AM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Scary News
No, this is not about you, Scaryduck, but about more frightening news that Primetime scared us with tonight about Avian Flu. According to them, it's the next pandemic. What do you hear about it at the CDC, Michael?
9:08:00 PM